These three panels show the first detection of the faint distant object dubbed "Sedna." Imaged on November 14th, 2003 from 6:32 to 9:38 Universal Time, Sedna was identified by the slight shift in position noted in these three pictures taken at different times. Subsequent observations at longer time intervals provided the information necessary to deduce the nature of Sedna's 10,500 year orbit around the Sun. The field of view of each frame is 3.4 arcminutes square, and each pixel is 1.0 arcsecond.
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Deutsch: Beschreibung: Diese 3 Bilder zeigen die erste Entdeckung von Sedna. Gemacht wurden sie am 14. November 2003 von 6:32 - 9:38 UTC. Erkannt wurde Sedna durch eine leichte Drift auf diesen Bildern.
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{{Information| |Description = These three panels show the first detection of the faint distant object dubbed "Sedna." Imaged on November 14th from 6:32 to 9:38 Universal Time, Sedna was identified by the slight shift in position noted in these three pictu