English: This 150 HP Fowler 0-4-0 diesel locomotive, number 169, on display at the disused Erwood Station in Wales, was one of a batch of 120 28/30 ton locomotives that were ordered by the War Office in 1939 to pull munitions at RAF bases. After the war they were used as part of British Rail stock. This particular locomotive ended its carreer at a breakers yard where it was used as a shunting locomotive unitl it was worn out. It arrived at Erwood in 1988 and was restored to its GWR livery by the Friends of Erwood Station in 2009.
Cymraeg: Roedd y locomotif disel 150 HP Fowler 0-4-0 hwn, rhif 169, sy'n cael ei arddangos yng Ngorsaf Erwyd segur yng Nghymru, yn un o swp o 120 o locomotifau 28/30 tunnell a orchmynnwyd gan y Swyddfa Ryfel ym 1939 i dynnu arfau rhyfel mewn canolfannau RAF. Ar ôl y rhyfel fe'u defnyddiwyd fel rhan o stoc British Rail. Daeth y locomotif penodol hwn i ben â’i gariwr mewn iard torri lle roedd yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel uned locomotif siyntio y cafodd ei gwisgo allan. Cyrhaeddodd Erwood ym 1988 ac fe’i hadferwyd i’w lifrai GWR gan Gyfeillion Gorsaf Erwyd yn 2009.
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