Commercial Titan 3 launching Mars Observer (Sept. 25, 1992)
original image source: Titan III vehicle launched the Mars Observer spacecraft and the Transfer Orbit Stage (TOS) from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on September 25, 1992. Managed by the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), TOS will fire to send the Observer on an 11-month interplanetary journey to the Mars. The Observer failed to reach the Mars orbit in August 1993.
Original caption released with the photo: S92-46925 (25 September, 1992) --- NASA's Mars Observer spacecraft rides a Titan 3/Orbital Stage booster toward its mission to Mars. Liftoff occurred at 1:05 p.m. (EDT), September 25, 1992.
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Materiały z Kosmicznego Teleskopu Hubble'a mogą być objęte prawami autorskimi jeśli nie pochodzą bezpośrednio ze Space Telescope Science Institute[1].
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Bigger version of the photo from the “Human Spaceflight Web Gallery”. source: Orginal relase to the photo: S92-46925 (25 September, 1992) --- NASA's Mars Obs