The factual accuracy of this Map is disputed. Despite claiming to depict "the Kingdom of Italy in 1924", while international borders are correct, the internal boundaries of the provinces are actually wrong. Indeed, the map seems to show the provinces as they existed as of 1935 (numbering 94), after several more had been created and/or altered by the Fascist government over the previous 10 years. At the same time, it fails to depict the province of Aosta, thus depicting the Kingdom in a way which is factually incorrect for its state both in 1924 (as claimed) and in 1935 (Aosta province is missing). Finally, it doesn't show the correct boundaries for the provinces of Campobasso and Benevento, which were temporarily (1927-45) enlarged with territory from the disbanded province of Caserta (as visible here:
[[Category:|Kingdom of Italy 1924 map.svg]]
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== Summary == {{Information |Description={{en|map of the Kingdom of Italy (Regno d'Italia) in 1924 with provinces.}} {{it|cartina del Regno d'Italia nel 1924 con le province.}} |Source={{own}}, original from {{DerivativeVersions|Kingdom of Italy 1919 map.